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Core Body 6 week Transformation Challenge - Transform your Mind, Body & Soul
Week 1.
Welcome to the Core Body 6 week challenge.
Macronutrients. Macro and calorie setting.
Goal Setting and mindset activities.
What's your personality type?
Getting the Fridge and Pantry ready.
Beware of weight loss products!
Reading food labels
Creating Healthy Habits
Alcohol and weight loss. Are they compatible?
Home Workouts (6:22)
Self reflection
Week 2
Ditch the sugar!
Reading food labels continued
Helpful Hints
Fat doesnt make you fat
Junk food facts
Clean Eating
Workouts (5:42)
Self reflection
Week 3
Diet the 'right' way
Re-wire your brain for success
Carbs are not the enemy
Should i buy organic?
The dirt on dairy
Workouts (4:08)
Self Reflection
Week 4
Eat more to weigh less
Keep reading those labels!
Balanced and nutritious meals
Trust the process
Recommended websites, shows, podcasts and books
Go meat free for a week
Straight talk about Soy
Workouts (2:16)
Self reflection
Week 5
Exercise & nutrient timing
Knowing what to eat can be confusing.
Listen to your body
Portion control and serving sizes
Scales are stupid!
Body Image, Self-Esteem and Mindset
Let go of your EGO
Ayurvedic Nutrition
Workouts (2:10)
Self Reflection
Week 6
Gut health
Intuitive eating
7 days of Vegan Recipes
Being mindful
Living more eco friendly.
Shopping Sustainably
Social Media Detox
Information on nutrition related health concerns
Workouts (0:27)
Self Reflection
Teach online with
Junk food facts
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